Thursday 17 February 2011

Evaluation Question 4 - How did I use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages

Evaluation Question 3 - How Effective Is The Combination Of My Main Product and Ancillary Texts

The poster which has a rainbow across two men holding hands plus the tagline 'why should being gay be so hard' tells us its going to be a serious film about homosexuality. We are then able to link the poster and the film because they both contain the same title. 

We are also able to link the film and the review due to the still image from the film being used as the picture for the review (which is the empire typical print convention), furthermore if they read the review after having seen the short they would recognize the plot of what they had seen after reading the plot summary. 
The review itself would allow people who had not seen the film to gain an accurate idea of what it was about without becoming bias, the review does contain praise but it also contains enough critique to stay neutral. 

The link between the two ancillary texts is clear, they both give clear knowledge of the film to the audience. They both contain the title 'The other side of the rainbow' and though both images are not the same, they both give the audience the impression of homosexuality, the use of the rainbow and the two men in holding hands would lead someone to draw that conclusion, and the picture used in the review would lead people to the same conclusion because the boy looks quite feminine, which is why we picked that still image from the film, plus the use of mise-en-scene in the back of the shot would connote the idea of homosexuality.

The poster would appeal to a certain kind of audience, the background being done in black and white would appeal to an audience who had a penchant for more serious films, this combined with the gritty font would probably attract people who enjoyed social realist films. It could also attract someone who enjoys films about current issues, the rainbow being the only thing in colour in the poster causes it to stand out, rainbows are already connoted with homosexuality, when this is combined with the tagline 'why should being gay be so hard?' Shows an audience member what the film is about and if it appeals to their personal film tastes they would be encouraged to watch it.

The review would be more likely to be appealing to a teenage audience, its not as gloomy as the poster is which does downplay the seriousness, however  the red in the boarders in designed to be eye catching, which is useful because you need something to be eye catching to someone who is just flicking through a magazine in order to make them stop and look. Furthermore it could also appeal to film students , a review like this is also likely to be featured in a magazine like the BFI film selection.

Evaluation Question 2 - What Have I Learned From Audience Feedback