Friday 26 November 2010

Gay Documentary Poster Ideas

We did preliminary poster designs for our film and this was my idea, it depicts the people that we've interviewed all wearing stonewall T-shirts which say 'Some people are gay. Get over it.' They all look happy to show they are proud of their sexuality. I included the title underneath which has not yet been decided and the tag line which reads 'Male, Female, Gay, Straight, Above all human.' Which was adapted from a video done by 'Chris Crocker' on youtube. 

However I no longer like this poster idea i feel it looks too light hearted and as a group wed decided that the documentary should have a more serious note to it seeing at it was a very serious issue in our society. 

Monday 15 November 2010

My parts in the powerpoint presentation

In our presentation I contributed mainly to the audience research parts of the powerpoint, however i also constructed most of the other slides such as the location, conclusion and the questionnaire results.

In the further audience research i spent a great deal of time thinking of the most common ways teenagers recieved their news, then thought of the most popular site which was of course YouTube. The site which reached over one billion subscribers on october 29th 2010.

I did lots of research in to how homophobic bullying was percieved online and many reactions on how homophobia and homosexuality is being delt with around the world.

Monday 8 November 2010

Survey Results

We collected together forty-one results from the survey, which i personally counted through every single survey, and tallied up the results then inputted it onto excel and created pie charts in order to present them to our class.